* equal contribution 2024 Nat. Commun. Embodied Neuromorphic Synergy for Lighting-Robust Machine Vision to See in Extreme Bright Shijie Lin , Guangze Zheng , Ziwei Wang , Ruihua Han , Wanli Xing , Zeqing Zhang , Yifan Peng , and Jia Pan Nature Communications, Dec 2024 Bib PDF @article{linEmbodiedNeuromorphicSynergy2024, title = {Embodied Neuromorphic Synergy for Lighting-Robust Machine Vision to See in Extreme Bright}, author = {Lin, Shijie and Zheng, Guangze and Wang, Ziwei and Han, Ruihua and Xing, Wanli and Zhang, Zeqing and Peng, Yifan and Pan, Jia}, year = {2024}, month = dec, journal = {Nature Communications}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {10781}, issn = {2041-1723}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-024-54789-8}, } NeuPAN: Direct Point Robot Navigation with End-to-End Model-based Learning Ruihua Han , Shuai Wang , Shuaijun Wang , Zeqing Zhang , Jianjun Chen , Shijie Lin , Chengyang Li , Chengzhong Xu , Yonina C Eldar , Qi Hao , and Jia Pan arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.06828, Dec 2024 Bib PDF video Code Website @article{han2024neupan, title = {NeuPAN: Direct Point Robot Navigation with End-to-End Model-based Learning}, author = {Han, Ruihua and Wang, Shuai and Wang, Shuaijun and Zhang, Zeqing and Chen, Jianjun and Lin, Shijie and Li, Chengyang and Xu, Chengzhong and Eldar, Yonina C and Hao, Qi and Pan, Jia}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.06828}, year = {2024}, } RA-L Seamless Virtual Reality With Integrated Synchronizer and Synthesizer for Autonomous Driving He Li , Ruihua Han , Zirui Zhao , Wei Xu , Qi Hao , Shuai Wang , and Chengzhong Xu IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Dec 2024 Bib PDF @article{10465251, author = {Li, He and Han, Ruihua and Zhao, Zirui and Xu, Wei and Hao, Qi and Wang, Shuai and Xu, Chengzhong}, journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, title = {Seamless Virtual Reality With Integrated Synchronizer and Synthesizer for Autonomous Driving}, year = {2024}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {1-8}, keywords = {Synchronization;Vectors;Synthesizers;Image synthesis;Solid modeling;Data models;Autonomous vehicles;Autonomous driving;imitation learning;sim-to-real;virtual reality}, doi = {10.1109/LRA.2024.3375266}, } T-MECH Edge Accelerated Robot Navigation With Collaborative Motion Planning Guoliang Li* , Ruihua Han* , Shuai Wang , Fei Gao , Yonina C Eldar , and Chengzhong Xu IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Dec 2024 Bib PDF @article{li2024edge, title = {Edge Accelerated Robot Navigation With Collaborative Motion Planning}, author = {Li*, Guoliang and Han*, Ruihua and Wang, Shuai and Gao, Fei and Eldar, Yonina C and Xu, Chengzhong}, journal = {IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics}, year = {2024}, publisher = {IEEE}, } 2023 RA-L Rda: An accelerated collision free motion planner for autonomous navigation in cluttered environments Ruihua Han , Shuai Wang , Shuaijun Wang , Zeqing Zhang , Qianru Zhang , Yonina C Eldar , Qi Hao , and Jia Pan IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Dec 2023 Bib PDF video Code @article{han2023rda, title = {Rda: An accelerated collision free motion planner for autonomous navigation in cluttered environments}, author = {Han, Ruihua and Wang, Shuai and Wang, Shuaijun and Zhang, Zeqing and Zhang, Qianru and Eldar, Yonina C and Hao, Qi and Pan, Jia}, journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)}, volume = {8}, number = {3}, pages = {1715--1722}, year = {2023}, publisher = {IEEE}, } TITS Active Scene Flow Estimation for Autonomous Driving via Real-Time Scene Prediction and Optimal Decision Shuaijun Wang , Rui Gao , Ruihua Han , Jianjun Chen , Zirui Zhao , Zhijun Lyu , and Qi Hao IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Dec 2023 Bib PDF Code @article{wang2023active, title = {Active Scene Flow Estimation for Autonomous Driving via Real-Time Scene Prediction and Optimal Decision}, author = {Wang, Shuaijun and Gao, Rui and Han, Ruihua and Chen, Jianjun and Zhao, Zirui and Lyu, Zhijun and Hao, Qi}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems}, year = {2023}, publisher = {IEEE}, } RA-L 3DSF-MixNet: Mixer-Based Symmetric Scene Flow Estimation From 3D Point Clouds Shuaijun Wang , Rui Gao , Ruihua Han , and Qi Hao IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Dec 2023 Bib PDF Code @article{wang20233dsf, title = {3DSF-MixNet: Mixer-Based Symmetric Scene Flow Estimation From 3D Point Clouds}, author = {Wang, Shuaijun and Gao, Rui and Han, Ruihua and Hao, Qi}, journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {611--618}, year = {2023}, publisher = {IEEE}, } ICML Spatial-temporal graph learning with adversarial contrastive adaptation Qianru Zhang , Chao Huang , Lianghao Xia , Zheng Wang , Siu Ming Yiu , and Ruihua Han In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) , Dec 2023 Bib PDF @inproceedings{zhang2023spatial, title = {Spatial-temporal graph learning with adversarial contrastive adaptation}, author = {Zhang, Qianru and Huang, Chao and Xia, Lianghao and Wang, Zheng and Yiu, Siu Ming and Han, Ruihua}, booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)}, pages = {41151--41163}, year = {2023}, organization = {PMLR}, } 2022 RA-L Reinforcement learned distributed multi-robot navigation with reciprocal velocity obstacle shaped rewards Ruihua Han , Shengduo Chen , Shuaijun Wang , Zeqing Zhang , Rui Gao , Qi Hao , and Jia Pan IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Dec 2022 Bib PDF video Code @article{han2022reinforcement, title = {Reinforcement learned distributed multi-robot navigation with reciprocal velocity obstacle shaped rewards}, author = {Han, Ruihua and Chen, Shengduo and Wang, Shuaijun and Zhang, Zeqing and Gao, Rui and Hao, Qi and Pan, Jia}, journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {5896--5903}, year = {2022}, publisher = {IEEE}, } IROS Adaptive environment modeling based reinforcement learning for collision avoidance in complex scenes Shuaijun Wang , Rui Gao , Ruihua Han , Shengduo Chen , Chengyang Li , and Qi Hao In 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) , Dec 2022 Bib PDF Code @inproceedings{wang2022adaptive, title = {Adaptive environment modeling based reinforcement learning for collision avoidance in complex scenes}, author = {Wang, Shuaijun and Gao, Rui and Han, Ruihua and Chen, Shengduo and Li, Chengyang and Hao, Qi}, booktitle = {2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}, pages = {9011--9018}, year = {2022}, organization = {IEEE}, } RA-L A generalized continuous collision detection framework of polynomial trajectory for mobile robots in cluttered environments Zeqing Zhang , Yinqiang Zhang , Ruihua Han , Liangjun Zhang , and Jia Pan IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Dec 2022 Bib PDF video Code Website @article{zhang2022generalized, title = {A generalized continuous collision detection framework of polynomial trajectory for mobile robots in cluttered environments}, author = {Zhang, Zeqing and Zhang, Yinqiang and Han, Ruihua and Zhang, Liangjun and Pan, Jia}, journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, pages = {9810--9817}, year = {2022}, publisher = {IEEE}, } 2021 RA-L An efficient centralized planner for multiple automated guided vehicles at the crossroad of polynomial curves Zeqing Zhang , Ruihua Han , and Jia Pan IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Dec 2021 Bib PDF video Website @article{zhang2021efficient, title = {An efficient centralized planner for multiple automated guided vehicles at the crossroad of polynomial curves}, author = {Zhang, Zeqing and Han, Ruihua and Pan, Jia}, journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {398--405}, year = {2021}, publisher = {IEEE}, } 2020 ICRA Cooperative multi-robot navigation in dynamic environment with deep reinforcement learning Ruihua Han , Shengduo Chen , and Qi Hao In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , Dec 2020 Bib PDF video @inproceedings{han2020cooperative, title = {Cooperative multi-robot navigation in dynamic environment with deep reinforcement learning}, author = {Han, Ruihua and Chen, Shengduo and Hao, Qi}, booktitle = {2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, pages = {448--454}, year = {2020}, organization = {IEEE}, } IROS A distributed range-only collision avoidance approach for low-cost large-scale multi-robot systems Ruihua Han , Shengduo Chen , and Qi Hao In 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) , Dec 2020 Bib PDF video @inproceedings{han2020distributed, title = {A distributed range-only collision avoidance approach for low-cost large-scale multi-robot systems}, author = {Han, Ruihua and Chen, Shengduo and Hao, Qi}, booktitle = {2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}, pages = {8020--8026}, year = {2020}, organization = {IEEE}, }